The Indecipherable Cipher

The Indecipherable Cipher


CTF: Whitehacks 2022

Author: WickedEye (Ying Keat)

Difficulty: Easy

Some say this cipher cannot be deciphered. Well, do you believe them?

Even worse, some say this cipher is misattributed!

I would say that the key to solving this challenge is to remember who the true inventor was.



Pwned by @skytect (opens in a new tab)


Looking at the ciphertext, one can see that it's some form of cipher that substitutes letters. Immediately, one thinks of ROT13 (opens in a new tab) and the Vignère cipher (opens in a new tab).

some say this cipher is misattributed!

The Vignère cipher just happens to be misattributed! However, the cipher requires a key which is hard to guess with just the cryptic ciphertext.

I would say that the key to solving this challenge is to remember who the true inventor was.

From the Wikipedia site (opens in a new tab), we can find that the first guy who came up with the cipher is Giovan Battista Bellaso.

If we try to decrypt it on CyberChef (opens in a new tab) with the key GIOVAN, it works!

CyberChef GUI
